Purtroppo il Museo rischia di essere smembrato, nonostante ci sia il vincolo del Ministero dei Beni Culturali, chiediamo a tutti gli Alfisti, a tutti i Club Alfa Romeo, ai comitati sorti spontanei in difesa di esso, di manifestare il proprio dissenso affinchè ciò non accada.
english version below
The Alfa Romeo Museum should remain where it was created: Arese
Built and opened on December 18, 1976 from the President Giuseppe Luraghi, the Alfa Romeo Museum is the essence of the brand, tells the story of his great victories, its great technological innovations and its unforgettable models.
Unfortunately, the museum is likely to be broken up, although there is the constraint of the italian ministry of culture “Ministero dei Beni Culturali” we ask to all Alfisti, to all Alfa Romeo Club, and to all associations born in defense of it, to express their disagreement so that this does not happen.